Kent Police is committed to the wellbeing of their officers, staff and volunteers as they are the force’s most valuable asset. Kent Police have over 6,500 employees. Kent Police have a number of staff support groups, managed by the Diversity & Inclusion Academy.
The groups enable the Police to involve colleagues on a variety of issues including strategic decision-making. One of these groups is Enable, which is for staff with disabilities (visible or invisible), carers and their line managers. Colleagues are encouraged to voluntarily record carer details in an internal HR system. This helps line managers to support and understand the impact on colleagues.

- Supported by a Chief Officer
- Recognised alongside other Staff Support Groups with the opportunity to influence policies and practices
- Presentations at internal culture meetings and communications via various platforms including the Intranet
- Surveys
- Carers Support group with quarterly meetings to share information and offer support
employees identifying as carers
Growth of 150% in the last four years (as of Sept 21)
members of Carers Network
Growth of 250% in last four years
increase in carer registrations
Following Carers Conference
Carers First has worked with Kulbir Pasricha, then Chair of the Staff Association, and a carer herself, over the last four years. The following are key initiatives that have contributed to employees voluntarily identifying as carers and the growth of the Carer Network.
The Staff Support Association hosted its first Carers Conference in 2019 attended by over 150 officers and staff from Kent Police and Essex Police. This brought together a range of internal and external speakers including Carers First. The event also offered the opportunity for networking and visiting stands from community organisations. This helped increase carer registrations by 40%.
The Ambassadors have tended to be carers themselves and are supported by the organisation to fulfil the role. They will run local drop-ins, raise awareness of carer issues and encourage people to identify as carers to access help and support.
Hosting regular Carer Drop-ins bringing colleagues and line managers together.
A face-to-face and/or virtual Forum allowing carers or former carers to ask questions around their lived experience and share information. This includes signposting to organisations like Carers First.
Encouraging colleagues at all levels of the organisation to film short videos about their caring experiences and offer mentoring to others in caring roles.

Kulbir Carer Ambassador, Kent Police
Caring impacts everyone. We know that at least one in five of our employees are carers and this number has increased during the challenges of the past year. We want to give all colleagues the opportunity to ‘be the best they can be.’ Through Carer Ambassadors and the Enable group, we are helping colleagues to identify as carers at the earliest opportunity, help us make reasonable adjustments and signpost to further support.
This has a range of benefits to us as an organisation including reducing turnover and keeping talented and experienced people in the Force. It is also helping us attract people to the Police and improve the resilience and wellbeing of our colleagues.
Carers First has been a great help to me as a carer myself and in my role as a Carer Ambassador. They have supported key initiatives to raise awareness of caring as well as been a trusted source of information, advice and guidance for colleagues who are caring.