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All-Party Parliamentary Group on Carers Survey

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Carers is calling on the UK Government to develop a new cross-Government National Carers Strategy. 

The APPG has already received evidence from carers and organisations who represent them and is grateful for their time and input. 

The APPG now wants to undertake a more detailed piece of work to better understand what the objectives of a future National Carers Strategy should be.

The survey is open to current and former unpaid carers, as well as organisations who support them, including local and national carers organisations, other VCSE organisations, academics, employers, local government stakeholders, NHS England, and social care providers.

The survey closes on Thursday 7 March 2024

Any comments you provide will not be identified as yours unless you give us permission to contact you, and we get agreement from you to do so. This survey is confidential, and your personal details will never be passed onto a third party. For more information, please see our privacy notice.

Anonymised findings of the work will be publicly published at the end of the exercise by the APPG on Carers, and will be widely shared with unpaid carers and other relevant stakeholders.
Carers UK provides the Secretariat for the APPG on Carers and is conducting this exercise on its behalf.

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