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Carer's Leave Bill passes first crucial step towards landmark new right

On Friday 21 October 2022, the Carer’s Leave Bill, which would give carers in employment the right to take unpaid leave, passed through its first crucial step and secured Government support.

The Bill would help support unpaid carers to remain in work alongside their unpaid caring responsibilities – and, given the current cost of living crisis, there has never been a more important time to do so. 

The ultimate goal remains up to 10 days' paid leave from work for all carers in employment.

The next step for the Bill will be Committee Stage with further details to be announced as soon as there is confirmed dates for this.

You can read more about the Carer's Leave Bill and what happens next on the Carers UK website.

About the Carer's Leave Bill

Millions of people in the UK juggle their unpaid caring responsibilities with paid employment. Balancing work and care can be a real struggle – with many carers saying they are tired, stressed and struggling to manage their own physical and mental health. They urgently need more support to ensure they can remain in work.

A right to Carer’s Leave is an issue that Carers UK has campaigned on for a long time. This has recently taken a firm step forward with the introduction of a Private Members’ Bill on Carer’s Leave, by Wendy Chamberlain MP, the Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife. Carers UK is working closely with Wendy to try to make sure this Bill becomes law.

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