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Carers First have launched the Young Adult Carer Mentoring Pilot in Medway, designed to support young adult carers by pairing them with professional mentors.

There are 800,000 young carers aged 5-17 in the UK, and 27% of secondary school children miss school due to their caring role, according to the charity.

One of the volunteer mentors, Cormac Connolly, offers pro-bono coaching services with Legal & General as he studies towards a professional qualification.

Legal & General are a volunteering partner of Carers First in Medway, supporting their Telephone Befriending Service and assisting with strategic volunteering around marketing and leadership.

Mr Connolly said: “Mentoring and Coaching are two very powerful tools that can support young adults in their personal life and career development journey. This is particularly true in the context of the complex world they live in today and learning how to navigate all the challenges and opportunities that come with it.”

This life changing project can help young adult carers with a range of life skills, such as:

  • Applying to college, university or employment

  • Navigating the benefit systems

  • Talking to someone about dreams and aspirations 

The volunteer mentors are matched with mentees based on their shared interests, skill sets, and availability.

One mentee, Rhys, said: “I think the mentoring project has been most helpful career wise. Thanks to my mentor the project has especially helped me with module submission which involved group work at university and has provided me with excellent future opportunities. I am looking forward to arranging a meeting to speak to someone from investment banking.”

Mr Connolly added: “For a young adult carer, the potential need for mentoring and coaching is even greater as a result of the additional responsibilities that they often carry out.

“Mentoring can provide a mutual opportunity to share challenges, allowing the young adult carer mentee to learn from the mentor's lived experience, while coaching can really focus on identifying goals and helping the young adult carer work out for themselves how they are going to achieve them.”

Carers First is looking for volunteer mentors to help develop this exciting new project. If you are interested in volunteering, click here to find out more.

Michelle, a new mentee who cares for her mum, said: “I am looking forward to having my first meeting with my mentor so that I can receive support around passing my exams at college. I think the tools I will be given as part of my one-to-one sessions will really help guide me through my future goals.”

If you are a young adult carer between the ages of 16 and 25 living in Medway and looking to explore your next steps with the guidance of a mentor, visit the Carers First website. Here, you can find out how to join the project and get started on your journey.

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